I was changing the tape on Emily's NG tube last night. She hated it of course and it started coming out. I tried to push it back down through her nose and she kept freaking out, choking and gagging. She finally pointed to her mouth and I looked in. The tube was all twisted inside her mouth! I have never put one of these in before and I decided not to try again. We called the nurse to come so the dirty job. As we were waiting, she kept begging us not to put it back in. Matt made a deal with her, showing her how much we give her at night. She promised she would eat PLUS drink 3 ensures a day. She drank last night which was a huge accomplishment.
Jacqueline wrote this contract and Emily signed it PROMISING to drink 3 ensures a day, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat snacks in between if needed and, my favorite, not throw a fit or yell while doing it!
I don't think I have seen Emily this excited or motivated about eating in a long time. We are hoping that she will stick to this contract knowing how awful the feeding tube is!
I really hope she will do it. It would make life a lot easier on her and me! Cross you fingers everyone!