Emily is looking great; we just wish her counts would look the same. For the last month her counts have been dropping. Her WBC is at 1800 and her ANC is also low at 700. Her EOS(I have NO idea what it stands for) are really high too which usually means she has allergies or Graft vs. Host. I haven't seen any signs of allergies but who knows? Emily also has stomach aches every morning which may be a sign of Graft vs. Host as well. (It could just be irritated from all the meds she takes!) The doctors are obviously watching her closely and aren't saying much, knowing there could be a million different reasons for low counts. For now, we will just pray that her body will work hard to bring her counts back up. It was a good reminder that she is still fragile and very susceptible to germs.
Emily's first grade class is going to the Zoo on Friday. I told Mrs. Moore I would ask the doctors to make sure but I was sure it would be fine to bring Emily since it's outside, right?! Emily has been so excited to go!
I am such a WONDERFUL, THOUGHTFUL mom...
As soon as I asked Dr. Pulsipher if she could go, he looked at me like I was a crazy woman! He told us that this is one of the WORST places we could take Emily right now! He then explained that the yucky smell at the Zoo as well as at Farms, is MOLD!!! (and I thought it was just poop!)
Emily was DEVASTATED to put it lightly! I felt horrible! Her nurse kept trying to think of other fun things we could do, but nothing sounded as good as the ZOO!
Mrs. Moore helped out by inviting her to Pirate Day on Thursday which will be Lot's of fun. She is also trying to decide what great activity we will be doing on Friday to make up for missing the zoo...I am sure it will be LOADS of fun! I am sooo excited!