"NO, all you do is KICK!"
After comments like these I was very pleased to see her work so hard at her game. Thanks to her cool pink soccer shoes(Thanks Jessica) and big brothers tips on how to kick the ball she was a real trooper!
After staying in for 15 minutes she was pooped! I have seriously never seen her so tired. She went in again for about 6 minutes and she was done. It was so fun to see her running after the ball and kicking it whenever she had the chance!
The coach is so patient and understanding. He is so willing to work with the girls and help them learn and have fun at the same time. I am excited to watch Emily's stamina increase as well as her confidence in knowing she can do hard things.
When we got home she flopped down on the floor and stayed there for the next 45 minutes not moving an inch! It was hilarious:)

Thomas is on a competition team this year which has already been really fun! the boys are working so hard! They even run 2 miles on the days they don't have practice.
We are lucky to have a professional photographer taking amazing pictures (AKA Angee) This will be the reason Thomas will have much better action shots! (I keep telling the kids that I would LOVE to have a camera that would take pictures like this...it could be for my birthday and Christmas...for the next 3 years!)
He has a great team with some great coaches who love what they are doing; it's a wonderful opportunity to challenge and push him!
Thomas is such a go getter! It's a blast to watch him in action. He never stops going and he never gives up. He loves a challenge and loves to improve. I've always been impressed with his determination to always do his best!