Grafton and Laurisa Milne

My niece Laurisa was married to an amazing man, Grafton Milne, on May 28th, in the Mesa Arizona Temple.
It was a BEAUTIFUL day with lot's of sunshine and SMILES!
It's hard to believe that 16 years ago Laurisa was singing at our wedding!

We miss having Josy around. It was so fun to be with her again!

The Family
Do you think it's too much?
We don't think so!

We had a great time helping out with the the ice-cream and candy stations for the reception.
It was decorated like an ice-cream parlor. It was AMAZING! They even had a photo booth
We got a little loopy by the end...:)

Visiting with family was the biggest treat!

Everyone LOVED dancing, well, everyone but MATTHEW.
Thomas even gave Grandma some tips!
We couldn't let Laurisa leave without getting one last picture
Emily wanted to be a princess just like Laurisa!

Emily knows how to be a princess even when she's swimming!

We just had to go to lunch at one of our favorite spots, Cafe Rio'
We couldn't get enough of the Arizona SUN, yes, everyone there really is a SUN and it really does make you WARM! :)
Monica and Laurisa helped Emily get ready for the big day. She loved being pampered and playing non stop with Paco and Roxy.
Roxy even tried to help Emily get into the pool. He could tell she was hesitant and kept nudging her to get in with him. When she finally did get in she got on a little raft. Roxy jumped up on her lap and fell asleep. I wish I had a picture it was so cute!
Joslyn was super busy (as ALWAYS) but that didn't stop her from making Thomas look perfect for the wedding day.
We are so glad we were able to be a part of Laurisa and Grafton's day. They are such a fun couple! They couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces the whole time we were there!
Congrats to a BEAUTIFUL couple!