Our sweet neighbor started our holiday off with delivering the cutest little turkeys you've ever seen! Thanks Rinda :)

After seeing my friend Camille Cottle post this delicious banana cream pie she made I hinted that sharing it would be a great way to "observe and serve" like Sister Burton talked about in General Conference...apparently she agreed and we LOVED it! It was AMAZING!
The Turkey run!
This year the "older folks" ran at home then took Gracie, Emily and Justin to run the mile race.
Emily REALLY wanted to beat her mom...she made a bet with me that if she won I would give her $50.00..(thank you Uncle Joe for giving her this idea!)
So, the race was on...Gracie and Justin were trying to beat me for a dollar (I like that price much better)
How could I let these cute kids down? I had to show them what their mom and aunt was made of!

The kids were so darling! I don't think I have ever seen Emily SMILING in a race...I loved it!
It was
tough but my coaches Jac and Thomas kept me strong, telling me when to surge and when to hold back...Yep, I beat them all...for this year at least! :)
I don't even want to think about next years compitition they were a lot faster this year then last year's race! Way to go kids!!

Thanksgiving dinner is always a production...good thing we have brave men who will prepare the turkey! We loved having the Parish's and the Buhrley's over! We even got to have Trisha and her fiancé TJ for the celebration!

Right as we were sitting down to our feast, Grandma and Grandpa Whiting skyped us from the Philippines! They LOVED watching us eat...we did feel a bit guilty! It was so wonderful to hear their testimonies and to have them with us on this special day! We miss them so much! When you talk with them you can't but feel the spirit telling you that they are doing EXACTLY what the Lord wants them to be doing! Thank you for your example Mom and Dad!

Truly delicious! Can you guess who had cereal for their dinner? Could her name start with an E and end with a y?? I say, why not eat your favorites on holidays right?! :)

Lot's of smiles, food, laughter, games, more food, smiles and FUN!

This year we had a white elephant exchange...FABULOUS! Doesn't Davin look good in a fro?

Time for some ACTION...Lowes extreme air sports was the perfect way to work off all that turkey :)

Thanks for another fabulous Thanksgiving holiday. We are SO BLESSED to have you all! So much to be thankful for!