Spring Break in California

First stop, Newport Beach

Absolutely breathtaking...

Here are the views from Corona Del Mar Beach
Sand castles are a must!

The kids made Matt into a very cool RUNNIN' MAN (very appropriate don't you think?) Just look at that 6 pack!

Star Wars is still a favorite in our household...Jac and Matt created Princess Leia and Han Solo. What a wonderful couple..Check out Emily's princess buns made of sand! (Thomas is such a great brother!)

Some of our favorite stops...We only hit Yogurt Land 4, ok maybe 5 times!
We picked much better hotels this time...no more smoke inhalation for us!

The Aquarium was AWESOME!

The Lorikeet area was one of our favorites...everyone had a chance to hold one

The Lorikeet really liked Matt's skin and they all loved Jac's head!

Emily took all these great pictures of sea creatures

Just Chillin' out.
Now for some very random pictures of the day... I think this is what happens to you when your with each other 24/7
The kids ESPECIALLY enjoyed doing Sunset Yoga on the rock after their morning runs
Oh the memories :)
Next post...ARCADIA (the real reason we came to California!)