How can you pack 3 days worth of food clothes, and sleeping gear into 5 backpacks?

EASY...with skilled Boy Scouts!

Our destination: Island Lake in the High Uintahs

Taking a break at Long Lake
Just in case your wondering, the signs are FALSE!! The mileage said 3 miles to Island Lake-it was actually 4 1/2 miles (BIG difference when your backpacking!)

Our campsite was AWESOME! It had stone chairs and a stone kitchen...
We were living in the high life!

Sister bonding:)

The first night we had our dinner on top of a cliff overlooking the lake. We ate some "delicious" dehydrated veggies with ramen noodles. It was good for the first meal anyway!
Lesson #1: Don't add too many veggies...your stomach won't know what to do with them!


Running trails was a MUST!
Jac had her highest mileage week and didn't let the high altitude and trails stop her!
For some reason the kids were tired after running so much, so Emily kept herself entertained by building a stick house
Lesson #2: Mosquito nets can be very entertaining :)
We felt like we were on top of the world!
All this hiking made us thirsty...
We tried out a new water cleaning technique. We used an ultra violet light stick which worked just took way too many batteries! No worries, we had a plan B...boiling water. After we ran out of propane fluid for our little stove we were on big time rations! If you know me, that's not a good thing!
While sitting around the campfire, we realized we could try to boil the water over the fire! Plan C worked...other than tasting like fire, we were in business!
This is what you look like when...
Lesson #3 Crazy pictures are always a must!
Lesson #4: Hydrating our breakfast with cold water doesn't work so well...we were glad to be headed down the mountain!
Our van never looked so good!
Lesson #5: Hamburgers, fries and ice-cream taste AMAZING at this place :)
YES, WE ATE IT ALL!! Much to Emily's amazement! :)
We know it was a successful trip because Emily told us she loves us more than Leo!!!
Now that's SUCCESS!
Goodbye Big Island Lake....Thanks for the memories :)