Here is the story in Jac's own words...
"After two weeks of horrible racing (Alpha Invite & Arcadia) for no good reason, it's time to go get your levels checked just to be sure you're not missing anything. Going into it, I was pretty sure I was going to be fine and that I would just need to work on my mental side of things. I answered when the doctor called with the news that I had mono. Again.
I just laughed.
I mean it is slightly hilarious. Every time I get all worked up that I'm a head case and that I've just become a slower runner, it's mono. You'd think I'd catch on by now.
So back to square one.
No more track season for me. I've got to get this figured out. I'm for sure taking two weeks completely off and then we'll see from there. But so far I think the plan is to just slowly build up for cross country season in the fall. It doesn't really make sense to me because I'm pretty sure I built up slowly after my break during xc season. I am so grateful I chose Coach Spence. He is already invested in me and trying to help me figure things out. I can't see many of the other coaches being willing to do that.
And not gonna lie, it just sucks. All around. I just felt so down for a couple days. But when I really let myself turn to Him for help, I do feel peace
. That peace is all I need to be able to have hope to hold onto.
Why is this happening to me? Again? I don't know. But I can't change what has happened. All I can do is respond in a positive manner and know that there are greater purposes and plans ahead.
So here's to being an Aggie! Because my days of racing as a Pioneer are over. But it's just the beginning and that's the glorious truth of the atonement. Endings are not our destiny."
After taking 5 weeks off...Jac decided she HAD TO RACE as a LEHI PIONEER just one more time! She gave it her best effort...she finished with pure grit and determination. EVERYONE was cheering her impressed with this girl ;)
Some of the girls who will be AGGIES next's going to be an awesome team!
SO proud to be Jac's parents!
Coach Jamie
Coach Rowe
Love this girl!!