Jac had the great idea of Backpacking to the top of Timp
It was a little rough, I will not lie! Someone thought she was going to "DIE" just one mile into our lovely 14 mile hike ;).jpg)
Lunch never tasted so good! 2 miles down and...well, let's not even think about it!
fun on the trail...we can do HARD THINGS ;)
All the hard work, sweat and tears paid off when we reached the meadow just below the saddle
We woke up bright and early for our final assent to the top
It was worth EVERY SINGLE STEP!! What a beautiful sunrise!
Emily was the first one back on the trail to head down for our next adventure
She was determined to have one of the thousands of butterflies land on her...happy day when her dream came true!
After reaching the bottom, we drove our trusty truck around to the Front of Timp to find a camping spot for the night
Since Backpacking Timp wasn't quite challenging enough, Jac and Thomas took off for a 9 mile run to the top of BALDY!

Yep, they think they're pretty tough!
Our trip ended with taking showers and heading up to the Park City Outlets...got to love the sales right?!
We will never forget our 3 days spent on Timp...the challenges, the laughs, the beauty, the triumphs...the memories!!