Here are some random happenings in the Heaps fam ;)
Happy Easter!
Photo bomb success?
Sweethearts Dance with Makiah Melling

Emily's OUAT (Once upon a Time) book made in ceramics
Got to love a sister who HATES being cold to brave the storm to come cheer for our Thomas!
Eli Bonner, Riley Eastmond, Collin Morrison, Thomas, Josh Greer, Connor Arnell, Ryan Raff, Parker Steadman, Austin Hinckley, Matt Jones, Spencer Fix, Asa Nelson, Landon Griffin, Michael Hinckley, Kobe Mickelson
Matt and I love taking pics of this crew!
Happy Mothers Day Mom!
Happy Mothers Day Sylvia
First trail run of the year!
Painting Horses with Emily

Bridle Up Hope sent us to AMAZING Horse show!
I love spending time with my Emily!

My long time running partner Leesa Jones