Summer was full of randomness this year ;)
Some of Matt's highschool friends got together...what a fantastic night!
One of Emily's favorites
Prepping for Mandi's farewell to Barbados!
Matching cousins :)

off to get Fathers day gifts
I love this family of mine!
Girls Camp
Phase 10 with the fam
Friend time!
Thomas' best friends Makiah, Megan and Maddie
Riley and Tommy Boy
Ryan Hales, Matt and Drew James...YSA 7th ward Bishopric
We were sad to say goodbye to the Hales (He is Bishop of another YSA ward now) What a great time we've had with them!
I got to visit my sweet Aunt Ginger in the hospital while in Arizona for a business trip
These two melt my heart!
Aunt Susan
The more time I can spend with these ladies the more I wish we lived closer!

This is our Emily!!!
Deseret News 10k
Jackie and Adela were the cheerleaders...actually nurses in Thomas' case!
Thomas gave it his all...can we say "NEED MORE SALT!"

Happy 44!!!
Emily loves her Daddy
It's a miracle...he picked out a cologne!
We love visits from our friends like Ansley
grateful for the little things ;)
Liz Olsen...another great YSA friend
Blackberry Cobbler...a summer MUST HAVE!

Yep, Leo rules the house
Lindsay and Alex
Family coming to visit!

Life is GOOD!