Yeah! This is the last day of ATG, the nasty chemo that made Emily so sick. She's pretty amazing though because rather than getting worse each day on ATG like the doctors and nurses told us she would, she actually got better. Today, she started gaining more energy and was awake the whole day. When I gave her a bath tonight she even started dancing and singing again.
She's very aware that tomorrow is the transplant. She's anxious about this big day everyone is talking about, but I think a part of her wants to take the next step to getting back home.
There's no doubt in our minds that Emily is being blessed and her burdens are being made light. Subsequently, what's lighter for her is also lighter for us. I've had a chance to give Emily a couple of priesthood blessings. I have no doubt that the Lord is fully aware of this little girl and that his will is going to occur in her life. She will fulfill her full purpose for being on the earth.
The priesthood is real and as a father I'm so humbled to be able to use it for the blessing of my family. Tomorrow morning a priesthood blessing will again be given to Jacqueline and Emily, a promise that the Lord will watch over them, a promise we are so grateful can be given.
- Matt
We so appreciate your comments and feel of your love as a family. We love you all so much and you are in our prayers always!
Can I just say I can only hope my children turn out as wonderful as yours. I am so touched by the closeness in your family. I know you have been given so many trials, more than any will have in a lifetime, yet those trials have made you the strongest and closest family I have ever seen. I am truly blessed to know you good people. I pray that all went well today and that Emily will continue to recover!!!
You guys are so in my thoughts and prayers today - and in my heart. I was just thinking how lucky our family is to have the Heaps family in our life...
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