We picked it up this morning from Redbox and it served as a great incentive to get school work done! it's a great distraction for tummy aches too.
We are still stumped with Emily's tummy aches and now she is complaining about her throat hurting. Funny thing though, it doesn't hurt when she swallows...hmmm....If she is still complaining tomorrow I will take her in. The nurse I talked to today said if she keeps having tummy aches, we will schedule a scope next week. Hopefully she will get over it on her own or at least let's hope we can find out what is causing her so much pain!
Even though she has these pains she is in really good spirits and has a great attitude. She was frustrated earlier today because,"Mom, I said a prayer and the pain didn't go away, nothing is working!"
What do you say? I just told her how sorry I was and that I am sure Heavenly father is taking care of her. She does find comfort if she puts her heat pad on it, at least she has found a way to make it better right?!
One good thing is that she does have periods in the day when she feels really good. Heavenly Father IS helping her! He is giving her breaks which is a wonderful thing! We are hoping for LOTS more breaks tomorrow! =)
Em has been waiting and waiting for this movie to come out, you were smart to go to red box early, I can't wait to have Emily tell me all about it. I will be so relieved when we know whats going on with her little body, nothing can affect her awesome spirit she is one happy wonderful little angel. Hope today is good! love you
My students are psyched about this movie too! So funny. I'm glad for little distractions like talking chihuahuas. Give her a hug for me.
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