
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thomas is an "ANIMAL"

Friday night Thomas ran in the pouring rain. He didn't care, he had a mission; a mission to keep his first place status against "Spandex Boy". This boy is actually a very cool kid but it makes for a good story hee hee :)
He and Matt had discussed a plan knowing that this kid would be coming on strong and this is exactly what happened. Thomas kept his cool and passed him on the final stretch blowing the poor kid away. 
Grandma and Grandpa Whiting made it just in time to see the final minute of this exciting race and I got to hear a play by play over the phone. Thomas was so excited! He didn't even care that he was covered in mud and headed up to go camping with his Dad.
 These pictures were taken when he got home from camping... mudd dried but still ALL over his body! A very happy boy!
Not only was he an ANIMAL at the race but Thomas came an ANIMAL during his soccer game too!

 He has been hesitant because the kids are so much smaller than him; so he has been holding back.
Matt challenged him to be more aggressive on the field and go all out... he took this challenge to heart and you could tell! His determination to go out and give it his all, payed off BIG TIME! He did amazing. I think the funnest part was watching how excited Grandma Whiting got as she punched her arms in the air and screamed for Thomas the whole time. It was a great success and he didn't hurt any of the boys! Well, physically anyway :)


Angie said...

Way to go Thomas! I love it that you enjoy so many fun things.

marilyn said...

Watching Thomas is very hard on me, exciting but a little too much, he is coming on strong, no stopping him. Awesome!!!!

Amber said...

Yes, way to go THOMAS! Did Grandma have any accidents?