These days, St. George is where it's at!
I bet you can't guess what we did...

Yep, we ran another race!
13.1 miles to be exact!
I bet you can't guess what we did...
Yep, we ran another race!
13.1 miles to be exact!

We had a BLAST running! Emily was the BEST cheerleader EVER!
She watched for all of us...even her mom :)
"Mom, I was so worried when you weren't at the 1:45 time; I thought your legs were cramping up or something!..I didn't want to tell you how behind you were because I didn't want you to feel bad." (This meant the world to me that #1 she knew my goal time and #2 that she kept waiting to make sure I was OK!)
We all had great races...all of them PR's
Matt - 1:26 9th in his age group
Jac - 1:31 1st in her age group
Thomas - 1:30 2nd in his age group
Jill - 1:46 25th in her age group
Not only did Thomas run his very first 1/2 marathon, but 2 hours later he was on the soccer field playing in the Presidents Cup with his about dedication!

The boys played hard, ending the tournament with a double overtime and PK sad when they lost. This meant no games on Monday...We stayed the weekend anyway and enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE!!

The boys played hard, ending the tournament with a double overtime and PK sad when they lost. This meant no games on Monday...We stayed the weekend anyway and enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE!!
Elder and Sister Colson, who used to work with Matt on water projects, invited us to stay in their beautiful home...Thomas got to stay in the Casida, AKA Bachelor sad I didn't get a picture!
We enjoyed walking and running one last time on this trail behind their home before heading back to our cold inversion filled Lehi.
Thanks for the great Vacation St. George!
I am so glad you got to go to the Tabernacle. I loved the tour there. The feeling was awesome and the bench behind the podium where the prophets have sat was so totally cool. We have tried to go to Jacob Hamblin's home but it has always been closed...
Amazing! (especially Thomas-WOW!) You guys are cool :)
Cool! How fun to do it together! Love the pics of the sun! I miss you, sun...
The Heaps family is AWESOME, this
pictures bring tears to my eyes, we
love you so much. You all have so
much strength and endurance. As a
family you work together and all
strive for perfetion, but at the
same time enjoy it. What a grea
trip for all of you. Congradulations to all of you.
Love You sooooo Much
Mom and Dad
Dear Thomas, are you sure your name isn't really Superman...who does these things! You are amazing to do all that in one weekend! And really all you Heaps never cease to motivate and amaze me:) Loves!
Congrats to you Jill!! And the rest of the fam! What a great vacation! Glad you got to be warm for a bit!
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