We were not surprised when Aunt Lanae told how when Grandpa was diagnosed with diabetes and wasn't able to fast for his responsibilities in his church calling; Grandma decided she could fast for him "It's the least I can do".
When Wade spoke he knew what Grandma would want him to say. "I LOVE GOD, I LOVE THIS CHURCH, and I KNOW IT IS TRUE!"
As I sat listening to people talk about Grandma, I thought what an honor it would be to have people say these things about me. No one questioned what she believed. She was a witness of Christ every single day of her life. In doing so she has influenced and inspired more people then she could every imagine!
On Saturday, we had a viewing in Blackfoot Idaho where she would be buried. It was so fun to meet Grandmas cousin and best friend, Loa. Loa told us about the time when she and Grandma were teenagers and hitchhiked to Salt Lake City! "Oh, we got in a lot of trouble!" Loa laughed and laughed.
We also met Grandpa's sister Bernice. He had 10 siblings. I don't think I have every met any of them. It was such a treat to hear how wonderful Grandpa was.
It was a harder than I thought to say goodbye to Grandma as they closed the casket. I miss her smile, laughter and sweet voice. I miss her phone calls asking how our family was doing and I miss seeing the excitement on her face when she would memories about her life.
I don't think I can ever wear or see pink again without thinking of my sweet Grandma.
How often do you get the opportunity to have your dad give you a personal tour of the place he grew up in? This was priceless!
My Dad showed us the farm in Aberdeen he grew up on. We got to see the shed that Grandpa built and all the fields where my Dad slaved away each day :) We were able to see the house they built (with pink brick of course)
We met Grandpa's brother Jessie and went to the house Grandma lived in when we were kids. I remember loving to come and visit. Especially when my cousins were there. We loved riding horses and playing in the hay!
The yellow house belonged to our Great Great Great Grandpa.
We finished the road trip by going to one of my Dad's favorite places in Pocatello. Costco of course! My Dad can find a Costco ANYWHERE!
how amazing, i wish i could've been there. grandma really was amazing, i hope you had a great birthday. i love you
Jill you are so good, thanks you did a great job I know all the family will love this! thanks
So beautiful! I love reading about Grandma over and over! :) (One thing though, Grandma had 6 kids.) :) Silly, Jill!
Your blog ALWAYS touches my soul! You have a wonderful, beautiful family! What a great way to celebrate your grandma!
Your blog ALWAYS touches my soul! You have a wonderful, beautiful family! What a great way to celebrate your grandma!
This is a really awesome post. You might want to write specifics on the Idaho pictures. What are the different houses? I can't tell which is the pink house from the pictures. What is Dad pointing to? It looks like water. Did it used to be a field? Which picture is the shed he built? What are the piles of stuff? These are great family history pictures. Can't wait to be with you guys on Christmas Eve!
I baulled through your pictures and words.. I really missed out and isn't she great! Her stories were some of my favorite memories of her. I wish I would've wrote them down!
Thanks for writing it all down for all of us that weren't there to read! Love you
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