
Friday, June 11, 2010

Anyone want some CANDY?

Thomas' 5th grade teacher LOVED to motivate the kids with CANDY. Thomas has always loved sugar; it seemed like a great way to motivate in his opinion. For me, not so much!
By the time October came, I was sick of seeing so many wrappers in Thomas' pant pockets. Something needed to change...
"If you keep every piece of candy Mrs. Mangum gives you till the end of the year, I will give you $20.00."
The challenge was ON!
500 pieces later (and at least another 100 that went through the wash) Thomas earned his $20.00. WAHOO!
Not only did he keep all the candy she gave him but starting in January, he stayed completely away from sugar for about 4 months! The rest of us lasted about 6 weeks with a treat here and there, but not Thomas, he wouldn't touch the stuff.
One night I came home to see him eating apple pie with Matt. I asked him if he was done with his no sugar challenge.
"There is sugar in this? Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Sorry, I didn't think about it." Matt replied.
After thinking things over, Thomas decided 4 months was enough from no sugar. He decided it was OK to have it sometimes.
Thomas filled up 6 mason jars and tried to convince me I should give him $20.00 for EACH jar. (maybe Grandma will fall for that one!) I guess you can't blame him for trying :) in the end, Thomas was very happy to get $20.00. (and I was very happy to give it to him!)
When Thomas decides to do something there's NO stopping him. He is truly amazing!


Amber said...

500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, my!! Nice visual to show how things can add up. Very impressive, Thomas!

Kimberly said...

I can't believe he got that much candy from his teacher, wow! So what did he do with all that candy? :)

Monica said...

Way to go Thomas!!! It looks like from the looks of all the candy you are a very good student! So impressive to see all your good turns add up! WOW! And now you are 20 dollars richer. Very proud of you! You are amazing and I miss you very much!!!

Jill I used to do the same thing!!! Especially with Halloween candy. You are so motivating and your discipline is rubbing off on your children. Sure love and miss you sis!

marilyn said...

Thomas's teacher must be married to a dentist that needs new patients! I know this was a great sacrifice for Thomas, I know how much he loves candy! Way to go Thomas great discipline!!!!! Love you

Angie said...

Wow Thomas that takes alot of discipline! Way to go!

Jolyn Buhrley said...

WOW,WOW,WOW...great visual!! I wonder if the teacher would be shocked!?!!!!! Makes me wonder how my little 'treats' would add up....hmmmmm. Pretty amazing. Way to go, that is some serious discipline!!!!!!!!