
Monday, June 28, 2010

Miracles DO happen!

Emily had her long term follow up appointment at the bone marrow clinic. I have to admit I felt myself getting pretty stressed as the day got closer. Matt came along for support which helped out a lot!
The news is... Emily has 80% of her immune system!! This is truly a MIRACLE! For the 1st time in her life she is making her own B-cells and her immune system is WORKING!
All the nurses and doctors were so excited to see Emily. They were very impressed with how sweet she is and how grown up she has gotten!
The one concern they have now, is her low weight and height. If she continues at the same rate, she will be about 4'11" on a good day. All ADA SCID kids are small AND she has aunts and cousins that are small too, so we aren't too worried.
How can you be sad when you can be almost as tall as your cousin Joslyn?!

Does Emily still have SCIDS? Yes, she always will. Dr. Pulsipher explained that SCIDS affects her neurologically and physically as well. She has conquered the immune system part; but she will still live with the other challenges that SCIDS brings throughout her life.
I have been so impressed with her determination to work through these challenges. It is a great learning experience for us all and a great lesson on the importance of celebrating our personal successes and not comparing with anyone else... even other siblings!
Emily is living proof that MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! We can testify of this truth. We just have to be patient and know it is in the Lords time... in this case, almost 8 years. It was worth the wait!
THANK YOU for all your love, faith, service and endless prayers. We love you all!


Christina said...

What GREAT news! I am so happy for you guys. This has been such a long road and you guys are so much stronger now! :) What great examples you all are to me and my family. Love you guys! :)

Deni said...


This is one of the happiest posts I've seen. Congratulations to you! Congratulations to Emily! We love you all.

- Deni

Angee said...


Rod and Jess said...

It is definitely nothing short of a miracle! Way to go Em! We couldn't be happier about such great news!

wendy said...

Wow Jill, that is just wonderful news! No one will know the height difference on our side of the family!

marilyn said...

What great news I can't even count all the prayers and blessings that Emily has brought into our lives, she is truly amazing and the growth in the Heaps family is such a testimont to me on what faith and putting everyting in the Lords hands really means! Love you