I walked out my door at 5:00am this morning to run with my great friends Leesa and Jessica. Leave it to Leesa to enjoy every part of this Holiday! We laughed so hard when she walked up! I am sure every car that passed us had to do a double take!
I just had to take a picture of 3 crazy friends who run in the dark chatting and carrying on like it's the middle of the day! We call it free therapy...I guess we do lose some sleep to go this early but the payback "priceless"!
It is so great to talk about our lives and get advice or just to feel validated with our frustrations of the moment.(Matt is also grateful I have more than just him as a sounding board!)
Even though we run in the dark I feel so lifted and filled with light when I come home. It's a great way to start the day.
THANKS for being such great friends. I hope we will be running together for many years to come!
That is awesome! I also loved Thomas's costume! :0)
I can soooooo relate!!! That free morning thearpy is the best!! Wish we lived close so we could do it together! Just know, 6 hours away at the same time of day there are other crazies out running in the dark!! Next year all three of you will have to dress up. Leesa's costume was awesome! I bet you couldn't stop laughing.
You were so GREAT on the news show. So put togeher, you are becoming quite the celebrity!xoxo love,Jolyn
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