
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Coming home!

I am traveling home and am very excited to be with my family again. This trip has taught me so much about so many different things. I think it would be impossible to write them all down. I wish everyone could make such a trip. I'm convinced that the world would be a better place if we all understood each other more and believed in each other more.

I have been thinking of an analogy that helps refine what I've learned on this trip. If you were to take a picture of each person and in the camera lens you could see all their inabilities and abilities, what would you choose to focus on? You can't ignore the inabilities because they are part of the picture but if you make their abilities the focal point and their inabilities the background, as a person helping you can assist them in a more productive way. The focal point determines how you talk to them, treat them, and develop strategies to help them.

I believe this is how Christ sees us and works with us. Throughout this trip I prayed that I would see the poor and needy as the Lord sees them - through his eyes. As I laid in bed last night this one was planted in my mind. As I'm writing this I'm realizing it is an answer to my prayers. The Lord knows all our strengths and weaknesses but he works through our strengths, the gifts he has given to us.

As I left Liberia I had somewhat of a sad feeling, knowing that the likelihood of me returning to these two countries would be very small. I hope for these people that their governments will stabilize, the gospel embraced, and that they will prosper. In my jobs with the Church I have had the opportunity to work personally with those on exact opposite ends of the spectrum. I've seen people on both ends maintain their spirituality, but I've also seen that the majority on both ends are very fragile to various influences from Satan. Perhaps that is a big reason why we will have greater spirituality when we more fully live the Law of Consecration, in essence the Law keeps us from the extremes on either end.

Love ~Matt

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Matt I will be the first in line to buy your first book, you are amazing with words and your spirit is very true, I know the people in Africa we very sad to see you leave, you certainly are by no accident in the job you are supposed to be in! Love you