Today when Emily woke up, she immediately wanted to paint our clay pots we made yesterday. As we were painting, I thought it would be fun to paint Emi's head. We put a rainbow, swirly, heart, flower, and face on her little head! She said that she was like the grandpa on Meet the Robinson's who says his head is on backwards!
We went outside today! We brought her deer named Mia and her manatee named Amy with us. We found an Ariel rock out by the pond. It reminded her of the rock that Ariel rests on when she sings to Prince Eric. We did mermaid poses on the rock. We also played in the gardens. Emily collected twigs with her deer. After she had a huge handful of sticks, she went and played in the water with them. She was fascinated with a random seashell that was in the pond. She kept asking how it got there. It was pretty funny! Emily also fed french fries to the birds. She would run up to them and throw the french fry in the air. Some of the more curious birds went and grabbed it then flew away, while others just flew and missed out on a special Emily fry. As we were walking back, she was singing and dancing to "Skip to my Loo". It was very cute!
Sister Holladay and Thomas came up for Primary. Emi sang the "Cancer Song" and "Rock and Roll Give said the Little Stream" for Monica, Thomas and I. Then we had a lesson on obedience. It was a perfect lesson for her!
I'm sure Monica was relieved when my parents came up! She wore us out! I had a blast with Emi today! We certainly had a fun adventure! I can't wait until she comes home! It will be a very exciting day when she gets to leave the hospital! You can tell that she is sick of the hospital and is anxious to come home and be with our family AND Leo, ( he's our dog).