
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 9

When we attend Church together something miraculous happens quietly behind the scenes. The words that keep coming to my mind are, “The healing power of the Sabbath day”. Sunday has become more sacred to us during this time in our lives. We each look forward to attending Church to literally help gain strength for the next week. Even Emily, being six-years old misses Church and partaking of the sacrament. Today, for some reason she was left off the sacrament list at the hospital and when I talked to her one of the first things she told me was, “Dad, I didn’t get the sacrament today!” I thought it was profound that she considered her day unfulfilled because she felt the difference of not partaking of the sacrament.

Jill is continuing to teach Gospel Doctrine and it has been a great blessing for her. Today as I listened to her teach, the responses from others in class, and the spirit that was present, I realized what a blessing for our ward to hear the Gospel message through a humble mother who is currently dealing with great trials. I’m so blessed to have her as my eternal companion and vividly know that she has made me a better person. I love and adore her.

- Matt


Rose said...
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Rose said...

Our Primary lesson today was about obedience. One of the stories I told Emily was how Jesus was not so excited to go through the torture he was required to endure for our sakes, if there was only some other way, but if not, He was willing to do what Heavenly Father asked of him. Then Emily and I talked about even though it was hard for her to be away from her home, her dog and the people she loved so much, it was the sacrifice required of her to get better, and Heavenly Father wants her to get better! Even though it was a very hard thing to do, she would be obedient to what the doctors wanted her to do so she can go home.

We also talked about how her mom would be teaching her how to cook and clean, not to punish her, but because she loved her and wanted her to have the skills she needed to be a good wife and mom. Emily could see the importance of that.

I was a little apprehensive in talking about so far into the future with her because of my secret fear that Heavenly Father might steal this sweet spirit from us before she got the chance to experience these great blessings in her life. However, I soon felt that there was no need to "tip toe" around the subject of her growing up, I could picture her having all these "normal" experiences that young women have, with a greater appreciation for each and every one of them. The blessing for her (and her family) is to have this time away from home at such an age that she will always remember how important family is, from this early age in her life, and all of the lessons in patience, obedience, letting your light shine, enduring to the end, dependence on God, the importance of prayers and faith...these are undeniable lessons that will be written in her heart. Not only is her life touched, but she is an instrument through whom many lives are touched for good.

What a marvelous gift!