
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 9

Emily woke up to the smiling faces of the Parish family! Nicki read a book to her and Uncle Jeff helped convince her to take her medicine(thanks Jeff!) Melissa, Emilys cousin stayed with her last night and today. It was not an easy task. Emily was very upset when we left her last night and it sounds like it carried over into today! She wouldn't let Melissa help her with anything and was actually pretty naughty! I know Emily is usually so perfect shocking isn't it??? We had a talk about how important it is to be kind, even when we don't want to be. It is hard when you don't feel good and you want to be with your family. (We could let Emily get away with any excuse in the book.) I told her that her job while she is in the hospital is to be NICE! Even when she doesn't want to be. I was reminded when she was a baby and was taking steroids; she was very agitated and uncomfortable all the time; I had to hold her constantly. I realized today that not only is she wanting to be home with her family, Leo, and friends,but the steroids are making her feel more irritable and ornery too. I am sure it is hard not to feel like yourself. I guess patience is key. Thank goodness she had nurses today who teased her and gave her a hard time back! In fact, "someone" put a "U" for University of Utah on her door on top of her BYU sign her cousin Mandi made for her! She was very upset to have a "U" on her door! I am sure the nurses had a great laugh. Sister Holladay came and gave a wonderful lesson on obedience and sang songs. She even had Melissa,my Uncle Brent and Aunt Elaine join in. Emily enjoys these visits so much. She reminded me tonight before going to bed to make sure she gets the sacrament next week. "they were supposed to come mom!" she knows how important it is. I love that! Hopefully Melissa isn't scarred for life and knows that Emily does love her. I am hopeful her cousin Monica won't be too scared to come next week! I learned a great lesson today while teaching Gospel Doctrine, I was describing how Emily has been so itchy, I talked about the night we prayed and the itching went away and I talked about the next night when the prayer wasn't answered in the same way. Emily asked me the next day why Heavenly Father didn't answer our prayer. I told her he always answers them it's just in different ways. I realized through our discussion in church how Emilys prayers were answered. She has been getting better everyday. I watch her still itch a lot but I know the Lord has given her strength to endure this trial better. She is asleep as we speak! (I told her I knew she could do it since she did it with Dad!) I am so grateful to be learning so much. It is really a blessing to be able to study the gospel and discuss different subjects with such amazing ward members! I really don't know what I would do without the Gospel in my life! Jill

1 comment:

Amber said...

I've noticed how good the nurses are to play around and tease with Emily. It makes for a good distraction!

I so enjoyed seeing Emily on Sunday but I miss seeing you!

I bet your Sunday School lessons are super awesome. I would love to hear!